We warmly invite you to the first floor of the Galaxy Hotel, where the works of Kazimierz Adamski are on display.


Here are a few words from the author himself:

"I titled my exhibition at the Galaxy Hotel "Joy in the Morning." As a sculptor, I usually work with challenging materials such as bronze or stone. However, in this exhibition, I aim to present drawings and oil pastels, an art form that captures the lightness and transience of the moment, as expressed in quickly painted images. In the portrait drawings, my fascination with classical music is evident. These are imagined portraits of Maria Callas, Wojciech Kilar, Stanisław Moniuszko, and the renowned conductor Jerzy Maksymiuk. I hope the artworks I present will bring you much joy - Kazimierz Adamski"
About the artist
Kazimierz Adamski (born in 1964 in Kraków) is a sculptor. He studied at the Faculty of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków from 1988 to 1993. Adamski is the creator of the sculptures of Old Testament prophets at Krasiczyn Castle near Przemyśl. He is also the author of the design for the "Cracoviae Merenti" medal and the  "Mecenas Kultury Krakowa"statuette.
For more information about the artist, as well as details on his sculptures, paintings, medals, statuettes, and other fascinating works by this Kraków-based artist, please visit the website:


We invite you to the Galaxy Hotel for the exhibition, which will be open until November 7, 2024!

The artworks are available for purchase, and detailed information along with the price list can be found at the hotel reception.


  Radość o poranku / Joy in the Morning

  Widok na Bielany / view of Bieleny

  Jesienny pożar / Autumn fire

  Stanisław Moniuszko

  Wojciech Kilar


Ten years ago, Mr. Kazimierz Adamski presented his works at the Galaxy Hotel. Here you can watch a video of that meeting: 

"Drzewa na wietrze"/ Trees in the wind, Galaxy hotel in 2013 rok